Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Autocracy’s long reach: Explaining host country influences on transnational repression. Democratization (co-authored with Kris Ruijgrok).
- Drawing a line: Digital transnational repression against political exiles and host state sovereignty. European Journal of International Security 8:2, 151-171 (co-authored with Johannes Thumfart).
- Going after the family: Transnational repression and the proxy punishment of Middle Eastern diasporas.
Global Networks 22:4, 735-751 (co-authored with Dana M. Moss & Gillian Kennedy).
- Authoritarian Practices in the Digital Age – Introduction to the Special Section. International Journal of Communication 12, 3788-3794 (co-authored with Marlies Glasius).
- Illiberal and Authoritarian Practices in the Digital Sphere. International Journal of Communication 12, 3795-3813 (co-authored with Marlies Glasius).
- Transforming Threats to Power: The International Politics of Internet Control in Iran. International Journal of Communication 12, 3856-3876.
- Exit and Voice in a Digital Age: Iran’s Exiled Activists and the Authoritarian State. Globalizations 15:2, 248-264.
- Far Away, So Close: Transnational Activism, Digital Surveillance and Authoritarian Control in Iran. Surveillance & Society, Vol. 15 (3/4).
- Repression without Borders: Diaspora Activism, Digital Networks, and Authoritarian Power. In: Intervention: Extraterritorial Authoritarian Rule. Political Geography 64, 95-104 (co-authored with Dana M. Moss).
- Howze en ligne: La vitrine virtuelle des clercs de Qom. Réseaux 24/135.
Reports and essays
- No Escape: The Weaponization of Gender for the Purposes of Digital Transnational Repression. Research Report No. 180, The Citizen Lab (co-lead author with Noura Aljizawi and Siena Anstis).
- Restricting freedom from afar: Transnational repression and the authoritarian targeting of human rights in Europe. Policy Brief, Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation For Freedom.
- Transnational Repression against Exiled Women Activists. MERIP 307/308 (co-authored with Noura Aljizawi and Siena Anstis).
- Is digital repression ’spreading‘ among states? Global Policy, e-book on „Digital Repression: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses“.
- Digital Repression: Transnational Reach, Psychosocial Effects, and Political Consequences. Mobilizing Ideas.
- The Digital Transnational Repression Toolkit, and Its Silencing Effects. In: Freedom House, Special Report 2020 “Perspectives on ‘Everyday’ Transnational Repression in an Age of Globalization.”
- Silencing Across Borders: Transnational Repression and Digital Threats against Exiled Activists from Egypt, Syria, and Iran. Research report for Hivos, The Hague.
- New Media vs. Old Politics: The Internet, Social Media, and Democratisation in Pakistan. Research report for Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin/Islamabad.
- Pakistanischer Frühling in weiter Ferne? Facebook, Blasphemie und vernetzte Zivilgesellschaft. Policy brief for Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin.
- Entgleiste Revolution? Die iranischen Präsidentschaftswahlen und ihre Folgen. Policy brief for Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin.
- Sieg ohne Erfolg? Ahmadinejads schwierige politische Zukunft. Policy brief for Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin.
- Research, Ethics and Risk in the Authoritarian Field. London: Palgrave MacMillan (co-authored with Glasius, M., de Lange, M., Bartman, J., Dalmasso, E., Lv, A., Del Sordi, A., & Ruijgrok, K.).
Open Access
- Wir sind die Medien. Internet und politischer Wandel in Iran. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Open Access
- Election Fallout: Iran’s Exiled Journalists on their Struggle for Democratic Change (Editor). Berlin: Hans Schiler. Open Access Persian edition
Book chapters
- Nowhere to Hide: Digital Transnational Repression against Activists from the Middle East. In: Moss, D., & S. Furstenberg (eds.): Transnational Repression in the Age of Globalisation, Edinburgh Press.
- Digital Authoritarianism. In: Wolf, A. (ed.): The Oxford Handbook on Authoritarian Politics. Oxford University Press (co-authored with Kris Ruijgrok).
- Iranian Media: Centralised Control and Tattered Accountability. In: Karmasin, M, T. Eberwein, & S. Fengler (eds.): Global Handbook for Media Accountability. London: Routledge (co-authored with Mahsa Alimardani).
- Beyond the “Twitter-Revolution”: The Internet and Political Change in Iran. In: P. Weibel (ed.) Global Activism. Art and Conflict in the 21st Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- The Politics of Online Journalism in Iran. In: D. Faris & B. Rahimi (eds.): Iran and Social Media, New York: SUNY Press.
- Changing Media Practices in a Digital Age. An Introduction. In: N. Schneider & C. Richter (eds.): New Media Configurations in Asia and the Arab World. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Bloomsbury.
- Creating Critical Counterpublics: Digital Media in Pakistan’s Media Landscape. In: C. Schmidt (ed.): Pakistan’s Media Landscape. The Effects of Liberalization, Bonn: DW Akademie.
- Linking Up for Change: The Internet and Social Movements in Iran. In: N. Schneider & B. Gräf (eds.): Social Dynamics 2.0: Researching Change in Times of Media Convergence. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
- Media System Iran. In: The International Encyclopedia of Communication (ed. W. Donsbach). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.